Judicial and extrajudicial aspects os multiparenting in the civil registry of natural people


  • Juliana Prates Raguzzoni


Multiparenting. Socio-affectivity. Socio-affective affiliation. Civil registry.


The family institute is constantly changing. Related directly to this, the affiliation also gains different aspects. The recognition of affectivity to characterize the parental bond created a new institute called socio-affective affiliation, which came into conflict with biological affiliation. The solution came from doctrine and jurisprudence, understanding that both socio-affective and biological affiliation must coexist, as they are different criteria, thus originating the institute called multi-parenting. According to this reality, this scientific article has the general objective of analyzing aspects about multiparenting, outlining the possibilities of their civil registration in the Civil Registry of Natural People in an extrajudicial way.




How to Cite

RAGUZZONI, J. P. Judicial and extrajudicial aspects os multiparenting in the civil registry of natural people. Magazine of the Public Defender’s Office of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, n. 27, p. 249–266, 2021. Disponível em: https://revista.defensoria.rs.def.br/defensoria/article/view/287. Acesso em: 19 feb. 2025.