

late modernity, punitive obsession, process of othering, ontological insecurity, cultural criminology


The passage from modernity to late modernity represented a fundamental paradigm shift, which introduced individuals to ontological insecurity and engendered the punitive obsession, which, in turn, constitutes the markedly violent response to crime. From the point of view of Cultural Criminology and its triadic method of analysis, exploring the micro, intermediate and macro levels, based on books and scientific articles, the transition from the modern to the late-modern situation is contextualized (macro level), listing its origin and reverberations, highlighting the concept of ontological insecurity. Afterwards, the process of othering is enfocused (micro level), which is a result of the late-modern context, emphasizing its stages of essentialization and demonization, clarifying its influence on the emergence of punitive obsession, which is validated through techniques of neutralization, notably the victim denial technique (intermediate level). Thus, punitive obsession is understood as an exacerbated reaction to crime, arising from late modernity, which serves the purpose of resolving the effects of ontological insecurity on the subjectivity of individuals. Therefore, the phenomenon does not really cooperate in combating crime and in achieving the objectives of criminal policy, being, in fact, supported by a structure of repression that targets the most vulnerable.


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How to Cite

PINTO DA SILVA, L. PUNITIVE OBSESSION:: THE INFLUENCE OF THE PROCESS OF OTHERING AND THE TECHNIQUES OF NEUTRALIZATION IN THE LATE MODERN RESPONSE TO CRIME. Revista da Defensoria Pública do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, v. 1, n. 34, p. 57–77, 2024. Disponível em: https://revista.defensoria.rs.def.br/defensoria/article/view/587. Acesso em: 24 oct. 2024.