About the Journal

         The Journal of the Public Defender's Office of the State of Rio Grande do Sul is organized by the Center for Studies, Training and Improvement of the Public Defender's Office of the State (CECADEP). It seeks to bring the academic community closer to the institution with the aim of fostering scientific knowledge, documenting doctrinal and technical works produced by its members, disseminating these productions and directing the best institutional action. The journal has a Qualis B2 rating and is indexed nationally and internationally.

            The journal was created in 2010 by DPGE Resolution 02/2010, with the first edition published in May/August of the same year, in print. As of 2012, it also became available online. In 2013, DPGE Resolution No. 06/2013 instituted the structure of a journal organized and produced by an Editorial Board, under the coordination of a Public Defender of the State. Faced with the challenges of increasingly qualifying this publication, in 2020, through DPGE Resolution No. 17/2020, the Journal gained a new organization. It became a modernized publication, expanding its Editorial structure, with new guidelines and publication policies, adopting the double blind paper review evaluation system, reaching the current model. With its electronic format, it seeks to promote open, permanent and complete access to its scientific content. The journal does not charge any publication fee and is published twice a year.

Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 35 (2024): Periodic of the Public Defender's Office of the State of Rio Grande do Sul
					View Vol. 2 No. 35 (2024): Periodic of the Public Defender's Office of the State of Rio Grande do Sul
Published: 2024-12-19


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