

Direito processual penal, Ministério público, Acordo de não persecução penal, Política processual penal, Reflexos


It deals with an institute of negotiated justice that the Public Ministry performs with the investigated person. The research analyzes the application of the Criminal Non-Prosecution Agreement between the months of June 2022 and March 2023 in the district of Linhares and the consequences that it has brought to the judiciary. Its objective is to analyze whether the institute fulfills the purpose for which it created - the discharge of the judiciary. The research uses quantitative and bibliographic data. It notes that in Linhares, the Criminal Non-Prosecution Agreement has brought about a decrease in cases due to the speed in fulfilling the agreements. It also appears that there is a difficulty for the judiciary in its application, especially in relation to the processes that processed in the third Criminal Court of Linhares. It concludes that the institute, when applied, fulfills its objective, but as the criminal courts are already much overloaded, there is a certain delay even in the approval of these agreements, thus impairing their effectiveness.


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How to Cite

PEREIRA NEVES, A.; JACOB, A. O ACORDO DE NÃO PERSECUÇÃO PENAL E SEUS REFLEXOS NO SISTEMA JUDICIÁRIO BRASILEIRO . Revista da Defensoria Pública do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, v. 1, n. 34, p. 139–161, 2024. Disponível em: https://revista.defensoria.rs.def.br/defensoria/article/view/610. Acesso em: 21 nov. 2024.