The reintegration circles and the preparation of the freedom of penalties

a restoration proposal for criminal enforcement



criminal enforcement, preparation for freedom, restorative justice, peacemaking circles, reitegration circles


The implementation of Restorative Justice programs by Brazilian courts is a reality. Such programs can address criminal prosecutions as well as criminal enforcement. Considering the difficulties encountered by the convict in his return to freedom, which come from the insurmountable barrier placed between him and the outside world by total prison institutions, as well as the absence of efficient resocializing measures operated by a criminal procedural system that deals with incarceration as a public securitypolicy, it is urgent to adopt measures capable of paving the way back to freedom in a humane and safe manner. In this context, based on theoretical and bibliographical research, this article, after considering the incompetence of the prison system in actions for the reintegration of the inmate, describes the structure of peacemaking circles and their modality of reintegration, as a proposal for restorative action for criminal enforcement. In the end, it concludes that the restorative method that allows theinmates to listen and expose their needs and that ensures the participation of the support network constitutes a very powerful action for the construction of new paths and, thus, an effective plan for the inclusion of the inmates in the community where they should turn back.


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How to Cite

MEZZALIRA, A. C.; DE FREITAS PEREIRA, V. The reintegration circles and the preparation of the freedom of penalties: a restoration proposal for criminal enforcement. Revista da Defensoria Pública do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, v. 2, n. 29, p. 29–49, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.